3, G. Gennadiou Street, Athens, Greece
+302103301202 +306974065437

CELT Tutors

Teacher training and Development

Marisa Constantinides – Centre Director & Owner –  CELTA & Delta Tutor 

Marisa is a teacher, teacher educator,  and ELT author; she is the Director of Studies of CELT Athens responsible for the design and implementation of all courses offered at CELT. Her main ELT qualifications are a Diploma in TEFLA (the RSA Dip. TEFLA,  predecessor to the Cambridge Delta)  and an M.A. in Applied Linguistics from Reading University.

Marisa is a frequent conference presenter and keynote speaker – some recent presentations can be viewed here – and has presented at IATEFL International, TESOL France, Brazil TESOL, TESOL Greece as well as on numerous online Conferences and Events and has served as a member of the Committee of the IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG (Special Interest Group).

Here is a talk delivered on behalf of Cambridge Assessment to inform prospective candidates about the Cambridge CELTA

Marisa is one of the founding moderators of  a weekly hash tagged discussion of ELT teachers on Twitter which was a finalist in the 2012 ELTon Awards for Innovation in Teacher Resources along with fellow moderators of #ELTchat, one of the first and most popular hash tagged conversations on Twitter every Wednesday  (find more info on the ELTchat blog.


Marisa has written materials for young learners and for using literature in ELT; she has published articles in a variety of print and online journals – some recent ones can be viewed below:   


Marisa Constantinides is an Approved CELTA and DELTA Main Course Tutor and trains face-to-face and online.

You can connect with her on Facebook & LinkedIn   

Angelos Bollas – CELTA & DELTA tutor

Angelos Bollas  is based in Dublin, Ireland and works as Learning Experience Designer at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland. Previously, he worked as Lecturer and Assistant Professor of Social and Cultural Studies at Maynooth University and Dublin City University and as Academic Skills Tutor at University College Dublin and The University of Manchester. He has authored and edited academic books for Routledge, Palgrave Macmillan, Emerald, and Springer. 

He holds a number of formal qualifications in the humanities and the social sciences, including a doctorate from Dublin City University and is a Fellow of Higher Education but none of this would have happened had he not had his CELTA. It is for this that, In parallel, Angelos has been heavily involved in English language teaching and learning. He started teaching English as a foreign language in 2006. His ELT experience includes teaching General and Academic English in-person and online, conducting oral exams and assessing candidates for various exam administration bodies, presenting at conferences, and offering consulting and training services to schools and training centres around the world. Angelos is one of the authors of the upcoming coursebook series Integrated Skills in English, which will be published by Trinity College London Press in 2025. 
Angelos did his own training (CELTA and Delta) at CELT Athens. Since 2016, he has been working with us on CELTA and Delta courses as a tutor.

He is @Angelos_Bollas on Twitter and his blog is https://www.angelosbollas.com/  where you can find out more about his academic publications. 

Sarah Smith – CELTA & YL Tutor 

Sarah is currently based in Greece and has worked as EFL/ESL teacher in Senegal, Japan, Ecuador, Turkey, Thailand, and France. She has also worked as a teacher trainer and mentor, and Senior Teacher for Young Learner Courses. She is a CELTA course tutor and TYLEC course director.

Her areas of interest are teacher training and development, reflective practice, student-centred learning, holistic child development, incorporating life skills in the classroom and encouraging a sense of progress through learning to learn techniques. She is also an advocate for inclusive classroom practices which provide a safe learning environment for all teachers and students. She is currently working on an Applied Linguistics Master’s at the University of Nottingham and her thesis is on Queer Pedagogies: the inclusion of trans*, gender diverse and gender non-conforming students in the EFL classroom.

Her talks and publications include:

  • Lilian Stathi and Sarah Smith – Overcoming the B2 Vocabulary Plateau (Presentation at TESOL Greece 2020)
  • Stephen Reilly and Sarah Smith -Talking the Talk: Action research in the EFL classroom using voice recordings (Presentation at TESOL France 2017)
  • Peter Clements and Sarah Smith – Creating a teacher-led professional development group (Presentation at British Council Teaching for Success Online Conference, 2016: Action research panel discussion | TeachingEnglish | British Council | BBC)
  • Peter Clements and Sarah Smith – Anyone for Quircling? English Teaching Professional (Volume 106) September 2016

She is @SarahSmithELT on Twitter

Mohamed el Mohamady – CELTA tutor 

Mohamed El Mohamady is from Egypt and is a Tutor on the CELT Athens CELTA courses; he obtained his CELTA in 2012 and completed his Cambridge Delta with us in 2018.

He has experience of teaching General English in Egypt and, more recently, English for Specific Purposes in Saudi Arabia where he also works as an Assessment Coordinator for a local Polytechnic.

In the summer of 2019, he followed our CELTA tutor induction programme and has been working with us since.

Mohamed has conducted many workshops and presentations in TESOL conferences inEgypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and Bahrain, served as a member in the proposal reviewing committee of the TESOL Arabia 25th International Conference & Exhibition. He was one of the contributors in the new publication “More Recipes for the Wireless Classroom”.

At present he lives in Saudi Arabia where he 

He is an Approved CELTA Tutor – he started in 2020 and celebrated his first CELTA course with a great video getting feedback from our trainees. Welcome to our team, Mohamed!

He is   @malmohamady80  on Twitter  


Paul Ashe – CELTA, DELTA & ELT Management Tutor

Paul Ashe
is based in Spain and has been involved in the world of TEFL since 1997 when he completed his CELTA & later DELTA in London. He has experience in different areas of the ELT sector including materials writing and editing for different publishers, Teacher Training (online and face-to-face), educational consultancy, Director of a school & Director of Studies and has had the pleasure of teaching teachers and training Academic Managers all over the world. Paul is also an examiner for two major examining boards and is certified and experienced in face-to-face and online Teacher Training, teaching Young Learners, CLIL, and is a certified Google Educator. He has experience as a local DELTA tutor and has created Continuous Professional Development Programmes in both online and face-to-face modalities. Paul regularly attends and speaks at international conferences on the topic of Academic Management.

Some of his recent Talks include:

  • Observations – The make or break of a teacher’ – Academic Management – ACEIA Conference – Seville 2019.
  • The Teacher as Client’ – Academic Management – ACEIA Conference – Seville 2018.
  • Speaker at International House World Organisation online Conference. 2013.
  • Teaching Language Skills’ – ACEIA Conference – Seville 2009.
  • Please Turn your Mobile Phone On’ – ACEIA Conference – Seville 2007.
  • Gadgets Galore’ – CETA Conference – Cordoba 2007.


  • LAMSIG – ‘The Teacher as Client‘ – pending publication this year.
  • English Teaching Professional – ‘Gadgets Galore‘ – May 2007
  • English Teaching Professional – ‘It works in practice‘ – January 2007
  • English Teaching Professional – ‘Using chopsticks in class’ – April 2010
  • Macmillan Education – ‘Teaching with the help of songs‘ – www.onestopenglish.com
  • Macmillan Education -‘Money – Just imagine‘ – www.onestopenglish.com
  • Macmillan Education – ‘Mingle Activities: Snowball fight‘ – www.onestopenglish.com
  • Macmillan Education – Author – ‘Prospects‘ – Secondary Education College Workbook. 2019
  • York Press & Egyptian Ministry of Education – Author – ‘Hello‘ – Secondary Course workbook. 2019-2021.
  • Pearson Education – Author – ‘Great Fun‘ – Primary Resource book. 2016.
  • Pearson Education – Author – ‘Sunshine‘ – Video Activity Books & Videos. 2016.
  • Richmond Publishing – Author – ‘Mega Zoom‘ – Video Activity Books & Videos. 2007.

Connect with us

Connect with us

CELT Athens, 3 G.Gennadiou Street, 106 78 Athens, Greece
Tel +30 210 3301202| +30 6974065437   E-mail:  info@celt.edu.gr


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