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Autonomous Professional Development Begins at Home – IATEFL 2013 Talk

Teacher training and Development

Autonomous Professional Development Begins at Home – IATEFL 2013 Talk

<![CDATA[Just got back from Liverpool IATEFL 2013 where I went for my annual inspiration shot – connecting with the profession and the latest ideas and concerns was an incredible experience once again
This year, and for the first time in a long while, I did a joint presentation with Shaun Wilden, co-moderator on the weekly #ELTchat hashtagged conversation on Twitter. We wrote our talk  from our homes, in Athens and Oxford, and skyped, shared googledocs, used dropbox, twitter, and email to decide on our content, collaborate on our slides, create our talk.
We  rehearsed our talk and our timings only once – just a couple of hours before the actual presentation!!!

The Recordings

So here are the slides accompanied by the podcast created by James Taylor, the third #ELTchat moderator present at this talk 🙂 . You can also find and download the slides on slideshare and download the podcast here.

Later online webinar recording

This was a really popular talk that gave Shaun and myself the opportunity to collaborate again and again – here is a recording from the #RSCON2013  – Reform Symposium 2013
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZUY54tTJN8]

 References made

A framework for 21st century learning
What are quality circles

Twitter hashtags mentioned:

Read this intro if you don’t know how to follow hashtags on Twitter

Online communities

Curation Tools:


(check blogrolls for more bloggers to follow)
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Many thanks to all the #ELTchat friends who came!

You all made a great point to those who came to learn from this talk and it was a great show of a trust circle in action!

 talk1 talk3

Shaun – Marisa

Slides for this talk 
Download the podcast here.




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