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Category: ELT Methodology

Teacher training and Development

Student made games

Market produced and teacher-prepared games have an important role to plan in the language classroom. Enjoyable and engaging, they draw attention away from too much preoccupation with accuracy and create the need to talk, spurred by the desire to play and, of course, win! However true this may be, the language used by learners in…
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Visualising Process Writing

My new infographic Some time ago, I started trying to learn to make infographics and had an idea for a poster showing a possible lesson following a process orientation to writing. The infographic took quite a bit of work to do. Process was less easy to depict than I had anticipated but here is my…
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From Images to Words

<![CDATA[Pictures generate talk, a fact well appreciated by all teachers. This short post hopes to review some well known ideas as well as give you some new ones on using images to develop your students’ oral skills and foster communicative interaction in your lessons. The activities can be adapted to suit a variety of levels…
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The Giant Storymaker – Ideas for a Hundred Million Stories

<![CDATA[Storytelling is one of the most important acts of communication. Every day, in our contacts with friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances we share stories, anecdotes – things that happened to use, stories we read about in the news, on social media, stories we heard through others. _______________________________ In class, story building and storytelling can get…
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Are you a Good Language Learner?

<![CDATA[  In this post-method era, when so many approaches and methods to language teaching have come and gone, where reflective teachers are no longer thinking in terms of which ‘label’ to follow or which apostle to bow to, it has become more and more evident that TEFL needs to stop contemplating its own navel and…
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Defragmenting Foreign Language Learning – my talk at TESOL Greece 2013

<![CDATA[Presenting language in small fragments hoping that they will one day automatically transform into fluent near-native talk may not be enough. My talk at TESOL Greece highlighted some ways in which skilled performers achieve excellence and focused on practical activities promoting holistic language learning using a variety of free online tools. Fragments of knowledge The…
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How to make things fall apart – A behaviour model for creating incompetence

<![CDATA[This post was originally written in 2009 on this blog which was very very new and had very few readers. I have updated it with two videos of a Pecha Kucha which was inspired by it and you will find them at the end of the post. Both post & original talk and PK’s are…
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P is for Politeness in Conversational English – a Discourse Perspective

<![CDATA[Many teachers who have had the opportunity to read discourse analysis either at University or on a PD course such as the Cambridge DELTA,  express great interest in this way of studying connected text or talk, but just as many find it  hard to incorporate it into their teaching; apart from an occasional lesson focusing…
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Embedding Creative Thinking Skills Training into our EFL Practice

<![CDATA[Post Updated with videos downloaded from Upstream   Videos of  most of my talk at IATEFL Harrogate 2010 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmWitpupIwk&w=420&h=315] Part A about 22 minutes  (conntent of slides 1-7 below is not included)  [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVrU_5BEbxI&w=420&h=315]  Part B about 8 minutes   A Summary of my talk  It has been suggested that creativity (or, as it is also…
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Can you teach a Dogme Lesson on your Cambridge DELTA?

This post is written in response and as part of a twitter conversation with Martin Sketchley – @ELTexperiences on Twitter. His blog post on his own Dogme observed lesson can be found at the end of this post. In the days before writing his experimental asignment for the DELTA course, Jonathan – my trainee of…
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