3, G. Gennadiou Street, Athens, Greece
+302103301202 +306974065437

Delta Module 2 course

Teacher training and Development


Taught & assessed fully online 

This is great news for people who
  • cannot get awayfor the 8 weeks of an intensive course
  • prefer a part time course which allows them to work and study
  • prefer a synchronous course in which they can have direct contact with tutors in a live class via video and audio (on Zoom).
  • Understand that the term “distance” does not mean “without human contact” as on other  courses.
Our online live classroom is fully interactive with audio and video available for every single trainee,not just for the tutor.In our live classroom, you can talk, chat and interact, do group work and collaborative activities just as if you were in our physical classroom.

You do not need a local tutor for Module 2 teaching assessments

Teaching assessments can be done in one of the following two ways
  1. You can teach your own face-to-face class and livestream it via Zoom or other similar service. Your tutor or the external assessor will be observing the video livestream of your lesson
  2. You can teach your own a class online on Zoom or a platform you use at your schoolor
  3. You can teach the class of adults specially provided by CELT. 
All internal observations (three in number) are conducted by CELT tutors except, of course, for the final one which will be observed by a Cambridge approved external assessor.

Course Organisation

Online for 24 weeks 

The online course is a part-time one and covers input for Modules 2 for candidates who have, ideally, either taken and passed Module 1 or are about to take the exam for Module 1. The course Input is taught via webinars in our online classroom. Every week, two 90-minute sessions are delivered over one or two days. Times vary from course to course depending on participants’ time zones. There are three exam sessions for Module 2 in any one calendar year: in June, October and December.

Taught & assessed in Athens 

This is a great option for people who
  • prefer to be taught and to teach in a physical classroom.
  • can come to Athens for at least 8 weeksfor this intensive course (8-week intensive course)
  • or prefer a part time course which allows them to work and study (blended part timewith teaching assessments in Athens)
  • prefer a face-to-face course in which they can have direct contact with tutors and students
Our centre is spacious and provides all that is needed for the course, from IWB’s, laptops, Wifi and a great library with more than 2000 titles on our shelves plus a rich online resource for materials and readings. Membership is extended to at least two years after the course is finished.

All teaching assessments can be done in one of two ways:

  1. You can teach your own face-to-face classwith your tutor or the external assessor observing in person
  2. You can teach the class of adults specially provided by CELT. 
All internal observations (three in number) are conducted by CELT tutors except, of course, for the final one which will be observed by a Cambridge approved external assessor.

Course Organisation

In person/Face-to-face course for 8 weeks 

The course Input is taught via seminars and workshops at CELT in Athens.  During the course, all the basic/core input will be covered and candidates are expected to complete their background assignments in preparation for their teaching assessments which will be assessed internally and externally during these 8 weeks. The last assignment to be assessed externally takes place at the end of their course. Candidates attendance is Monday to Friday from 09:00-17:00. There are three exam sessions for Module 2 in any one calendar year: in June, October and December.


During the course, candidates must:

  1. teach a diagnostic lesson and four assessed lessons
  2. observe 10 hours of lessons – some on video, some live
  3. teach an Experimental  lesson and report on its success
  4. complete and submit all written assignments

Platforms used for the online course

  • Our online course provision is offered via webinars on Zoom, in which candidates attend live synchronous sessions with their course tutors and fellow course participants. The input sessions, workshops and tutorials cover the syllabus of all three modules in an integrated fashion.
  • The tutor and participants use webcams and microphones as well as text chat, and the VLE is equipped with whiteboards, ability to see handouts, powerpointpresentations, videos, shared screens and send and receive audio and video.
  • Candidates can also interact with each other in the webinar room and in special workshop rooms called ‘breakout rooms’ where they can discuss, have workshops and plan/design just as if they were in a the same physical classroom at CELT!

How to Apply

  1. Choose the start date which interests you. If you’re still unsure, please choose an approximate date for now – you will be able to specify later.
  2. Download the application form and save it in your hard drive.
  3. Complete it offline in your own time and email it to info@celt.edu.gr
  4. Arrange a date and time when you can take your language and methodology screening exam; the written part is timed and takes about 90 minutes to complete; the interview, anywhere between 40 minute and an hour.

Eligible Candidates

Preference is given to teachers with recent and varied classroom teaching experience, related degrees and an initial training qualification such as the Cambridge CELTA. A language analysis and methods assessment is used as part of the selection process. N.B. Our course intake is usually very small – at our centre you will be one amongst a maximum of 10 participants, not just one face in a horde of trainees.

Requirements for online attendance

Sessions for this online course will be held in Adobe Connect Pro or Zoom,  a virtual classroom space which allows trainees to interact with text chat, voice chat and video and collaborate in groups just as if they were in the same room! To participate in the webinars, you will need a fast connection, a headset with a mouthpiece (not the one you use for your smartphone) and a webcam



 Authorised teaching awards centre since 1993



For More

Download and read the Cambridge Delta Handbook which includes a wealth of information on all three modules. For details regarding applications, content or timetable, please send an e-mail to: info@celt.edu.gr


Questions?  Need more information? Send an email from this page. 

[contact-form to=’info@celt.edu.gr’ subject=’EMAIL FROM THE DATES %26amp; TUITION PAGE CONTACT FORM’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Course you are interested in’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]


Please check your spam folder for our response (from an email address that ends in @celt.edu.gr )  because often emails from schools or people who send a lot of messages very often end up there! 





Connect with us

  Centre for English Language & Training, 3 G.Gennadiou Street, 106 78 Athens, Greece  
Tel +30 210 3301202| +30 6974965437   E-mail:  info@celt.edu.gr



Α course taught by distance with Module 2 teaching assessments online

This is great news for people who are halfway through their Module 2 assessments and those registering now – register if you

  • cannot get away for the 6 or 8 weeks of an intensive course
  • prefer a part time course which allows you to work and study
  • prefer a synchronous course in which you have direct contact with tutors in live class via video and audio.

Our online live classroom is fully interactive with audio and video available for every single trainee, not just for the tutor, and training is in synchronous mode. In our live classroom, you can talk, chat and interact, do group work and collaborative activities just as if you were in our physical classroom.

You do not need a local tutor for Module 2 teaching assessments

Teaching assessments can be done in one of the following two ways 1/ You can teach your own face-to-face class and livestream it via Zoom or other similar service. Your tutor or the external assessor will be observing the video livestream of your lesson 2/ You can teach your own a class online in Zoom or a platform you use at your school or you can teach the class of adults specially provided by CELT All internal observations (three in number) will be conducted by CELT tutors except, of course, for the final one which will be observed by a Cambridge approved external assessor.

  1. u. If you’re still unsure, please choose an approximate date for now – you will be able to specify later.
  2. Download the application form and save it in your hard drive.
  3. Complete it offline in your own time and email it to info@celt.edu.gr
  4. Arrange a date and time when you can take your language and methodology screening exam; the written part is timed and takes about 90 minutes to complete; the interview, anywhere between 40 minute and an hour.


 Authorised teaching awards centre since 1993


[contact-form-7 id=”4″ title=”Contact form 1″]


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