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Tag: Creativity

Teacher training and Development

Xtranormal has become Nawmal

<![CDATA[ Bringing the glad tidings that my favourite animation tool seems to be coming back! Xtranormal was a hugely popular video making tool with hundreds of teachers making videos for free, choosing characters, scenes, camera angles and really achieving a very professional looking outcome. Until they went bust. Despite its popularity, Xtranormal was not able to…
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Digital Storytelling for Younger & Older Learners

<![CDATA[ Digital Storytelling & Young Learners  Picture this: …a teacher holding up her laptop or tablet and a circle of children listening to her and following the digital images of her imagination, completely absorbed in the world she has been weaving for them through her narration. Now Picture this: …a teacher holding up a book…
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From Images to Words

<![CDATA[Pictures generate talk, a fact well appreciated by all teachers. This short post hopes to review some well known ideas as well as give you some new ones on using images to develop your students’ oral skills and foster communicative interaction in your lessons. The activities can be adapted to suit a variety of levels…
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The Giant Storymaker – Ideas for a Hundred Million Stories

<![CDATA[Storytelling is one of the most important acts of communication. Every day, in our contacts with friends, relatives, colleagues and acquaintances we share stories, anecdotes – things that happened to use, stories we read about in the news, on social media, stories we heard through others. _______________________________ In class, story building and storytelling can get…
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Defragmenting Foreign Language Learning – my talk at TESOL Greece 2013

<![CDATA[Presenting language in small fragments hoping that they will one day automatically transform into fluent near-native talk may not be enough. My talk at TESOL Greece highlighted some ways in which skilled performers achieve excellence and focused on practical activities promoting holistic language learning using a variety of free online tools. Fragments of knowledge The…
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Making a Machinima in Second Life – in 19 Steps

<![CDATA[For the next few weeks I will be working and helping moderate the MachinEVO course in Second Life, one of the TESOL EVO courses. We are all hoping to learn how to record Second Life and to create recordings which will be useful to our language learners. There are already more than 110 participants on…
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My 11 from '11

<![CDATA[Am taking up  Adam Simpson’s challenge, well, not really a challenge, more like an invitation but such a nice way to look back at what I have blogged about this year.  Adam said, “Choose the best 11” but I must confess I don’t write as many posts as all that. Some people seem to be able to churn…
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Embedding Creative Thinking Skills Training into our EFL Practice

<![CDATA[Post Updated with videos downloaded from Upstream   Videos of  most of my talk at IATEFL Harrogate 2010 [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmWitpupIwk&w=420&h=315] Part A about 22 minutes  (conntent of slides 1-7 below is not included)  [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVrU_5BEbxI&w=420&h=315]  Part B about 8 minutes   A Summary of my talk  It has been suggested that creativity (or, as it is also…
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Advance Organisers – How they Connect the Reading Experience

Reading is a highly complex activity and, yet, in the foreign language classroom, it is often approached as if texts are just collections of words and grammatical patterns which students, if only they could analyse and decipher them, would be able to arrive at the overall meaning of the text. But, is this what happens…
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Animating Stories

<![CDATA[I have been playing with story animation tools for a long time, learning from colleagues' blogs and links on Twitter.  Recent posts include Burcu Akyol’s  4-3-2-1 Action! Online Tools For Making Movies in the Language Classroom and Shelly Terrell’s presentation on Digital Storytelling which includes some excellent ideas. Here are a few additional ones, which…
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