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Tag: Materials Evaluation

Teacher training and Development

Thinking about Discipline – Part 1

   Having discipline problems? Which of these learners are your learners? Made with wordle.net – the words in the word cloud have been taken from http://www.disciplinehelp.com/ But why do students behave “badly”? There will be many different expressions of undisciplined behaviours; teachers of adults will find they have different problems to teachers of very young learners…
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Making a Machinima in Second Life – in 19 Steps

<![CDATA[For the next few weeks I will be working and helping moderate the MachinEVO course in Second Life, one of the TESOL EVO courses. We are all hoping to learn how to record Second Life and to create recordings which will be useful to our language learners. There are already more than 110 participants on…
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Can you teach a Dogme Lesson on your Cambridge DELTA?

This post is written in response and as part of a twitter conversation with Martin Sketchley – @ELTexperiences on Twitter. His blog post on his own Dogme observed lesson can be found at the end of this post. In the days before writing his experimental asignment for the DELTA course, Jonathan – my trainee of…
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Animating your Coursebook

<![CDATA[ Made with wordle.net What is the secret message in the Wordle above? Have you guessed it? If you are pretty happy following your coursebook page after page and exercise after exercise without omitting anything, then this post may read somewhat strange to you. If on the other hand, you have spent the best part of every book…
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Don't forget the Pedagogy

<![CDATA[N.B. In using the term “pedagogy“, I am subsuming “andragogy” as well, the principles of educating adult learners. Every day I read about lots of new applications on twitter and in all the blogs there is a plethora of posts about these new toys. Suddenly, we have all, miraculously and, it seems overnight, turned into…
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