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Tag: Social Media

Teacher training and Development

Life as it used to BI

<![CDATA[BI=Before Internet   Our collective memories get so easily altered with the advent and use of new technologies. It’s so common amongst people to resist new tech and for teachers to insist that what they are used to is ‘good enough’ and ‘didn’t they learn without this new tech just fine’ themselves? Then, somehow, the…
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My 2012 Nominations for the Edublogs Awards – #eddies 2012

<![CDATA[ All  Nominated!!! Please vote for them here: http://edublogawards.com/vote-here/     Every year, since I started blogging in 2009, I have made  a point of writing  an Edublogs Awards nominations blog post; I have got so much out of my own nominations that I always want to pass it on to someone who is getting…
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#ELTchat Symposium at the IATEFL Conference in Glasgow – it's today!!!!!!!

<![CDATA[ Continuous professional development through social networking March 22nd from 15.50 – 18.20  in Gala 1 Room For some of us, it will be the first face-to-face meeting. Here is what I mean: I have worked as a co-moderator with Barbara Hoskins-Sakamoto for more than a year now and, although we ‘ve had many conversations…
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Making a Machinima in Second Life – in 19 Steps

<![CDATA[For the next few weeks I will be working and helping moderate the MachinEVO course in Second Life, one of the TESOL EVO courses. We are all hoping to learn how to record Second Life and to create recordings which will be useful to our language learners. There are already more than 110 participants on…
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Survey on the use of Social Networks for Foreign Language Teachers

<![CDATA[Dear PLN, Many of you are aware that since earlier this year,  I have been involved in an EU funded project – aPLaNet – whose aim is to help Foreign Language Teachers develop and maintain their own PLN in an autonomous way. Creating one’s PLN takes time, effort and commitment,  and those of you reading…
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The New Twitter and why I don’t like it

For months now, the “new” Twitter has been warning me that I should switch to that, because soon I will have to one way or the other. Today there was a severe warning You all know how I love Twitter and what I think about its value and role in forming my PLN!  And, on…
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One Year of Blogging

<![CDATA[ I have great reason to celebrate: one year of blogging! Well, one year and something…. Although this post is rather late, mainly due to a really heavy teaching schedule in July and August, I have been thinking about it and writing bits and bytes whenever I had a few minutes. On the 1st of…
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No Comments – a very short post

<![CDATA[A friend got me a little worried earlier this week – she said "I almost never have anything to add to your posts" and wondered what it is that others do to generate comments. Should I be worried? Is there something that I am doing wrong? If so, how can I do better? My worry…
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My Blog Reading Homework

<![CDATA[In his blog post A vast Pool of Human Knowledge, Neglected, Darren Elliott, like a true teacher, gave us all a little bit of homework for the weekend, which goes as follows: 1. Have a look through the archives of your favourite bloggers. You can usually find archives in the sidebar, click a tag or…
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Bridget Jones and my New Year's Resolutions – 2009

<![CDATA[  I have always loved the scene where Bridget Jones comes up with her famous 33 New Year’s Resolutions. What a great scene that was and I can’t remember how many nice lessons, by the way,  I have watched with trainees using this clip to teach this or that, sometimes the future, sometimes just to…
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